preparing my finest, largest pair of clownshoes for anyone who tries to use the update that adds new apartments that you'll spend maybe 1 minute in each to make the one millionth attempt to rehabilitate this game. all a stable framerate will do to this game is let you see crystal clear how fucking ugly it is in attitude and design.

please just let this shit, racist, transphobic game made by overworked and abused developers die the death it so richly deserves to. there are so many pieces on this website and elsewhere either going for an infuriatingly smug centrist "both extremes are bad" read or desperately trying to resuscitate CP2077 by putting outrageous effort into finding whatever gold exists in the salted earth of these awful hills and it just isn't worth it on any level. i promise you, every second of that effort would be better served on almost every other game.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2022
