A great remaster of the older games.

Better controls that are more responsive than some of the other games.

The 4th wall breaking and hubris of the King is top notch.

Compared to Katamari Reroll that I have for the switch, the gameplay is similar enough you know what it expect but also surprisingly updated. Some of the map areas are very different and some are pretty close. I didn’t play back and forth to honestly say how different they are but I know the focus in the newest game is on making planets vs stars so instead of collecting crabs to make the cancer constellation you make planets based off someone asking the king for help.

You go around helping characters who appear on your little map. Some of the levels you have to get the ask just right others it’s just one play through. And most if not all have extra asks after the first challenge is met.

So an example is a racetrack - that has a time limit to get the right size or one you have to see how fast it takes you to reach the size (so these are know as how large vs how fast). There are also eternal mode allowing you to play unlimited on some maps.

I was surprised how many extras I had after I thought I was done.

There’s a kings backstory with the chance to play as him. There are 40 cousins to find too. An extremely important thing to know (no idea of this is how the previous games were) but there can be several cousins in the same level but you have to unlock them in order - so play through one gets cousin 1 then you have to replay for cousin 2 to appear.

If you have to repeat levels because you missed the goal this might be the worst part of the game for a completionist. Because you add at minimum another 2-4 play throughs. I struggled the most for some reason get Lucha I had to replay 6-7 times and then play it all over again because there’s 2 more after him that will appear and even then I had to redo them. They are not in the eternal version of the map.

Other than the repetitiveness, the game retained its charm. I think because you can build so many strategies if you repeat a level you can watch it grow or find another route that is better.

It’s a nice challenge to get the platinum but nothing impossible - if you’re new to playing just don’t get discouraged if you can’t completed a level after several tries work on understanding a strategy and build up at getting better slowly. This is critical for those big ask short clock levels. The hardest one for me was the campfire. But once I worked on perfecting each minute I did it with so much time to spare.

I definitely was glad I opted to buy another katamari remaster and I really enjoyed this more than the previous one.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2023
