This games is soooo great : i mean, just the art style deserve 4 star...AND THE MUSIC, MY GOOOOOOD. This games also control like a dream: rayman is tight as fuck...but also globox, and all the other wacky character you could play in multiplayer...MY GOD THE MULTIPLAYER. The level design is also soooooo creative man and the best example of that would be for me the excellent boss fight: probably the best boss fight Ubisoft ever pulled of...damn, i cannot wait to finish legend...but all i can say right now is that legend would probably bé better than origin... because the ability you unlock are a meme (seriously, punching?), I know its because of rayman the first but still, and sometimes, the level design can be a little flat, but hey, its still our glorious rayman origin

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2021
