Is there actually anything to say

Like, i wont even try to explain all the layer and genius turn took by the story, the message, the lore, the philosophe, and especially the theme, because not only my policy is to avoid spoilers, but also because i think i wont be able to make it justice, by how brillant, smart, emotional and flawless all of those element are...some scene made me feel so sad...some made me smile so hard...and some of those moment were just gameplay moment !

I...just cant. Even if the story take weird shortcute in one specific place i wont spoil, its just...too good

All the three major campaign are incredible : first one start to implement all the great thème, and is already a solid game by itself, the second one is a great expansion of those theme...and the third one is just...exceptionnal

Again, no spoil, i dont want to spoil you anything

Couple that with a incredible gameplay (sure the combat system is simple, but thats not a bad thing : hell, elden ring got simple combat system too), the moveset just flow so well, and the level design is only limited by weird invisible wall that prevent some potentially some shortcut. All the area are great too, with interesting lore in all of them, with varied kind of machine used, for the most part, in amazing way (except maybe the desert one, who felt a bit underused). The villain are, without spoiling, all interesting and carry all the theme incredibly well

Sometimes, the game is way to easy, and sometimes, the exploration is a bit limited, and ok, sometimes, the game have some technical issue, but the theme just carry this game, they are incredible, and i wont even talk about them here

Discover them yourself

Glory to all mindkind

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
