This game is great, really....but honestly ? I thought i would love it more . Sorry, my favorite metroidmania is still super metroid right now

Obviously, there is outsanding part in this game: the exploration is even more better that in super metroid, the visual and soundtrack are amazing, the level design is decent, and incorporate element you can only access later really well, and all the location are mémorable, but idk... sometimes, the movement of the character, even if its usually really fluid, can sometimes feel a lil jank? Dont get me wrong, the game plays really well, but sometimes, it doesnt react how i thought it would be, and not in a good way

Also i thought that some boss just werent fun: too easy, too frustating, or just boring...its a minority, of course, but they drag the experience down

And yeah, even if the game usually is great at giving subtle direction, sometimes, it just doesnt, and you are just lost...

I didnt meant to bitch that much, especially because the game is incredible, so im just going to praise it now:

Ok, this game, if you avoid the lil inconvenience i listed, is just a joy to play! I really enjoy the story, the feel, and just pure fun and intricate exploration, even when i am clueless ! Like i said, all the location are great and distinct, despite all taking place on a cave, and are, for the most part, really enjoyable, with interesting enemy design, good and varied level design, and for the most part solid bossfight

This game is honestly really good, despite my little disappointment, and you should obviously check it out

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023
