We need more games like this. Remakes of old and less accessible titles. I was really happy when they've announced this game and , after finishing it i can clearly say that ... every other Mario RPG after this is far better.

Now i still stand by the point i made above. WE NEED games like this. Before , excluding emulation , RPG was only availeable on the Wii U Eshop wich , in case you don't know , has been shutted down.
I want to make clear that this is NOT a bad game , far from it. In fact it's one of the most accessible RPGs for the majority of people due to it's short duration (around 11 hours) and pretty simple mechanics. We live in a period where RPGs have a lenght of 50/80 hours per game and that's not approacheable for a lot of folks if Games aren't their hobby.

Super Mario RPG is quite simple ... everywhere , but in a short amount of time it manages to offer a great variety of content. Plot is simple but extremely goofy and characters don't behave like they are used to. For example Mario is the perfect good guy , virtuos and kind to everyone. in this game he comes to a point where he wants to beat up a child's ass. It's that kind of Square Enix old touch that you can see in a lot of their classics.
Enemies , bosses , locations , minigames ... there are a lot of them with unique designs and writnig and all of this in a 10 hours adventure. Seems cool but then ...

Well i personally find this game too simple for my taste to just say " ok the writing and variety saves it ". Having a lot of characters , enemies and ecc. doesn't mean that the game is really good. Sure it's original but the execution isn't the best for me. Battles are too simple. Ok all comands have timed inputs that determinates how much damage you can deal. You can also parry enemies attacks wit this system. Outside of this there isn't much more other than elemental and status weakneses. Strat. is nonexistent and the only thing that offers a sort of stimulating challenge are some of the extra bosses. As for exploration it's good for a classic RPG. Platforming is actually well incorporated for a game like this. I really liked Bowser castle with all of it's mini challenges.

Super Mario RPG is a perfect entry to the genre and a fun adventure for everyone that don't want to tackle a tough and lenghty adventure. It's also a really faithful and well crafted remake except for some frame drop issues.
It's a fun and delightful adventure , but nothing that really stands out to me.

[ 7.0 / 10 ]

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
