This game was a huge disappointment for me, even though my expectations were already low.

At the beginning, the game hooks you with the feeling of novelty and it becomes fun to explore the possibilities it offers. The problem is that it only lasts until the third chapter. After that, the game's biggest issue becomes evident: it's too simple and not well-executed.

What bothered me the most was how they tried to use the name of such a good and famous franchise in the JRPG world to create something mediocre, even using the storyline's base to do so. It's as if they bet that just having the name or a few dialogue references here and there would make the game good. This annoyed me greatly during the gameplay because the game itself has no identity; it's just a poorly done reboot.

The storyline is extremely simplistic, following basically the same narrative style for eight chapters. Now, imagine having a mediocre to bad story with long chapters where you take 10 steps and encounter 5 enemies with no major differences between them, in nothing but hallways with no challenges? In the last few chapters, this became much more evident, and I could barely stand it.

I really wanted to like it; I started liking it, but the game gave me the impression that it was made like any other game and that it reached a point where it didn't progress in any way; it just repeated itself. Even the soundtrack by Sakuraba, which is usually outstanding, is just average in this game, like everything else.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2023
