This VN is the prime definition of trying too hard. The main characters are good, their VA's do an INCREDIBLE job, music is fire, images and ambience is really nice and even the animation is really nice.

Now for the bad... The villiains, HOLY FUCKING SHIT, SHUT UP FOR ONCE YOU FUCKER. I get wanting to make the game philosophical, I get trying to make the reader think and I like it in other videogames or books, but here? Dude, you get SPAMMED CONSTANTLY, NONSTOP, PARAGRAPH AFTER PARAGRAPH.

When you repeat the same thing over and over and over, it doesn't matter how touchy or deep what you're saying is, you're gonna end up boring the living shit out of me. If all these metaphores and philosophical takes happened at the start and at the very end or when a fight just ended I'd be happy with it, but it happens so SO often that it loses meaning.

I didn't like the prose of it at all either and the length is just obnoxiously long just for the sake of being long, the story could be half the length and still be really good.

Overall I'm sure some people are gonna enjoy it, but I really don't get the comparison with Fate or Tsukihime. This feels like taking the worst from Fate, giving you 1/5th of the plot and spamming fight scenes and nonstop thought provoking babbling to fill that gap.

Reviewed on Jul 22, 2023
