Team Reptile delivers on the gas yet again. I've been looking forward to this game since announcement, and I'm so happy they didn't disappoint. The movement is immaculate, you'll undoubtedly be labbing how to perfect combos without messing up. The art style is sublime, it perfectly replicates the era they're homaging to the point it looks straight out of 2002 sometimes. The music??? If you think you were gonna go into this game and the soundtrack wasn't going to be banger after banger after banger, I don't know what to tell you. The story is sick, the characters are likeable, and the street punk, anti-establishment, "no weak shit" vibe from Lethal League Blaze also from Team Reptile carries over here. The only problems with this game is honestly there's not enough going on with post-game. I'm relatively fine with no expansions to the story or new maps, but at least a time or score attack would give combo fiends something extra to do. That being said, the modding community is giving this game life as well, which is a delight to see. I think you're actively doing yourself a disservice not playing this game.

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
