As a story, Peace Walker is a great time. It has characters that you get a good understanding of through the insane amount of conversations there are, as well as some interesting questions on the nature of nuclear deterrence. More than all of that, though, I mainly enjoyed the further exploration of Snake's feelings on The Boss and her legacy.

That all said, the gameplay is miserable, shooting in particular. The more long winded fights felt difficult not because of the encounters, but because wrestling with the controls during it was like having my fingernails yanked out. Maybe the HD port is better in that regard? Who knows.

By the time I had to start grinding meaningless side missions with no real narrative stimuli just to get the true ending, I was ready to clock out. Some sort of remake of this game would probably let it really shine, but unless that happens, I don't foresee myself going back to it, like I could with other games in the series.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
