Hey, let's make a sequel to our beloved tactical game and only take its worst qualities and make them 10x more prevalent what could go wrong?

What finally pushed me to quit this game was having a soldier get panicked by a Sectoid, which caused him to run into the blast radius of a Codex explosion which promptly killed him without me being able to do anything about it. Bad enough already, but his death prompted two of my soldiers to start panicking as well, which made them run into random fucking directions and triggering the Viper King that was apparently just chilling on the backlines, who subsequently killed one of them and blocked my way to the timed objective. Fuck this game.

Maybe I'll come back for it one day but I got really fucking tired of EVERY shot being 50% accuracy at most, soldiers panicking after every little thing, enemies one shotting you starting from Veteran difficulty, enemies seeming to crit on every fucking shot, destroying cover being a must for every encounter if you want any chance at a sensible hit rate but then getting almost no tools to do so, enemies being spotted / revealing themselves and attacking on the same turn, enemy overwatch not popping up so randomly getting merc'd while repositioning, some green objectives being able to be completed after using all your turns and others not (making it a fucking guessing game), etc. etc.

XCOM 2 has the aesthethics of a great sequel but it plays like a downgrade to Enemy Unknown in nearly every way.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2023
