I feel like the first two levels have tricked people into thinking the rest of the game is just as good, but it really is not even close.

There are like 3 forms of missions all of which are some form of "drive from point A to B" which is fine at first, but the repitition soon becomes tedious. However, the real kicker is the low timers they start adding which force you to be almost perfect in your driving while NPC's crash into you unexpectedly because you cannot look through walls or sense them coming, causing you to have to open the menu and restart the mission immediately.

The last level is almost fun until the last mission in the game which is genuinly created by Satan himself to drain every last bit of soul left from your body and all you can do is watch the screen flash "Game Over: Timer Ran Out" and "Game Over: Car Exploded" over and over and over again.

The game is a frustrating mess with some genuinly good ideas. Any time I was not in a car I was having a pretty decent time collecting trading cards, buying clothing, killing robotic wasps and what not, and the first two levels are honestly really fun! Unfortunately, the game falls apart quickly the moment it asks you to actually play the main quests.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2022


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