WHY IS ITS SCORE SO HIGH WHEN IT'S SO FLAWED? Because despite what a shitshow this game was released as, the pieces of it that were implemented well are some of the most moving and loveable RPG experiences I've ever had. I'll never forget the day I spent with the bois visiting the beach, and Ignis's DLC will forever be one of the standout triumphs of RPG gaming. Even though FFVII Remake or other future FF games may have perfected the ideas behind its battle system, the open-world car/chocobo exploration components and party inter-relationships of this game are something I'll crave more of until they continue it. This game may be one of the only FF games that actually deserves a sequel (unlike the sequels that actually got made, barfing at you Crisis Core, X-2 and XIII-2)

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2021
