This was supposed to be the only way to play Before Crisis stuff on top of the rest of the compilation but right now this ain't it and i doubt it'll ever will.

As of right now you can only play a very abridged version of the beginning of FF7 (all of midgar) and the beginning of Crisis Core (Operation tamblin, in wutai) and the beginning of a brand new story set during the early day of SOLDIER.

A bit over 2 months after the game released, we only had one single story update that added one measly chapter (which is like one dungeon, 2 "cuscenes" and like 5 fights, so not a lot of content) There's been a lot of events going on tho! Sometimes even multiples of them happening at once!

The game is extremely grindy, and that fact is made worse by the content onslaught of events. Levelling up characters is slow. Creating new materias for better stats? Slow. Farming events to get all they can offer to you? Also slow! Getting better weapons? Oh boy welcome to everyone's favorite part of gacha games, MTX city!

To get better version of each weapons, you need to roll for them, and to really get weapons with good stats, multiple versions of a single weapon are required. The game really drip feeds you crystals, which as i understand is common practice, but it also bombards you with a lot, a lot, of microtransaction. Looking at the shop rn, there are 12 daily packs you can buy, and on top of that you also have monthly packs, weekly packs, just buying currency outside of a pack, a monthly battlepass... The game does everything it can to get people to spend money.
For example, each event will feature one or more "special roll" where you can get stamps for getting guaranteed weapons but also new costumes, yknow the thing people usually look the most for in gachas. The rate for getting stamps is abysmall, on top of that you can't roll a lot without paying, on top of that getting both costumes requires a lot of stamps, and on top of all that they always add another stamp card mid event with different costumes!

FFVII EC is a waste of time. The story content, as of right now, is very lackluster, and in term of gacha games.. Either don't fucking play gachas or play some that are less predatory than that lol

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023
