After 80+ hours, I finally get to talk about Elden Ring, FromSoftware's first Open World game.
Unexpectedly enough, despite being FromSoftware's first Open World game, the open world in Elden Ring is quite possibly the best open world I've seen in a videogame... and that's mind-blowing. Seriously though, Elden Ring's open world proves how talented the developers at FromSoftware are; it has an overwhelming amount of optional content and surprises, the map size is absolutely massive, the world design is fascinating and the sense of freedom & exploration is simply unmatched, however, it's not necessarily perfect; the catacombs are repetitive and some bosses are re-used multiple times.
On top of the open world though, Elden Ring features the Legacy Dungeons; big areas that follow the traditional, complex level design of Dark Souls.
The gameplay in Elden Ring is Dark Souls III's gameplay but much better in literally every way + some additional mechanics to make things more accessible, even though the camera is still awkward at times.
The visuals are beautiful, the environments are breathtaking and the music is incredible.
Also, there's an endless amount of different weapons, armor sets, spells and items for unique builds.
Lastly, the bosses - particularly the Demigods - are some of the most spectacular and challenging bosses I've ever seen in a videogame.

+ Huge map filled with content
+ Engaging & rewarding exploration
+ Wonderful level design
+ Fun & diverse gameplay with accessible mechanics
+ Amazing visuals and music
+ Impressive bosses

- Re-used content in some instances
- Flawed camera

Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
Elden Ring is the culmination and evolution of everything FromSoftware has done in the past 13 years, making it the ultimate Souls game yet.
With Elden Ring, the developers at FromSoftware have outdone themselves and managed to deliver their best work to date... and one of the best videogames I've ever played.

Do I recommend it?:
Elden Ring is a must-play, especially if you're a fan of Open World games.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
