Xenoblade Chronicles, arguably one of the greatest JRPGs of the past 2 decades, a game that I never got to play when it came out but I always wanted to play sometime, which is why I'm really glad the Definitive Edition for the Switch came out.
Now, to be honest, I couldn't get into the game at first because it felt slow, but I tried pushing through the story recently and I finally managed to finish the game.
The story does feel quite slow at times but the premise and the build-up are so intriguing in this game, they kept me playing for many hours even when the story was getting slow. Aside from the pacing though, the story is actually one of the best I've experienced in a JRPG, a massive surprise that I didn't expect at all.
The gameplay feels a bit dated in some instances but it's pretty enjoyable for the most part and it has some interesting mechanics.
The characters are very good; they're surprisingly grounded, smart, funny and self-aware, and their dialogue is very coherent without relying on generic tropes. I'm very impressed!
As much as I liked the story and the characters in Xenoblade Chronicles though, the highlight of the game is the concept of the game's world and the premise of the story, a world made from 2 frozen Titans; it's one of the coolest and most epic things I've seen in a videogame, period. It's an absolutely fascinating idea and it makes up for breathtaking environments and world design.
Also, the music in this game is absolutely fantastic for sure!
The side-quests are uninspired, unfortunately, but it's not a big deal though.

+ Compelling story with many twists and turns
+ Great characters
+ Fun gameplay
+ Incredible concept and world design
+ Awesome music

- Slow pacing
- Boring side-quests

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Art Style: ?/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
- Outstanding -
Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the best JRPGs of all time and a wonderful videogame experience even to this day.

Do I recommend it?:
Must-play for JRPG fans and highly recommended for Switch owners.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
