Some years ago, I rented Dark Souls III and I played it for few hours but I wasn't good at it and I never got into the series.
After playing Bloodborne, I decided to play Dark Souls III again... but I played it properly this time.
As a Souls game, Dark Souls III tells its interesting story and lore via environmental storytelling, which is an interesting way to tell a story.
The gameplay is slower than in a game like Bloodborne and it feels a bit stiff but it's very varied and enjoyable nonetheless.
The bosses in the first half of the game are lacking unfortunately, they're easy and disappointing for the most part, but the bosses in the second half of the game really make up for it; they're fantastic, some of the best in the series in fact.
Also, the music is absolutely incredible and the graphics are still nice.
As for the DLCs, Ashes of Ariandel is extremely short but the mandatory boss is amazing.
The Ringed City lasts much longer, it has more bosses and an epic conclusion to the entire series.
Overall, the DLCs are actually very good! Ashes of Ariandel is not as good as it could've been but The Ringed City is great.
Unfortunately, just like in Bloodborne, the camera is awkward at times.
However, unlike in Bloodborne, the level design is very linear in Dark Souls III and there is a surprising amount of areas I didn't enjoy, to be honest.

+ Rich lore
+ Fun & diverse gameplay
+ Challenging & epic bosses
+ Incredible music
+ Great DLCs

- Awkward camera in some instances
- Linear level design and many annoying areas

Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Dark Souls III is a very exciting, challenging and rewarding experience, and a fitting conclusion to the Age of Fire, even if it's not as compelling as some of the other "Souls" games from FromSoftware.

Do I recommend it?:
I'd highly recommend it to the fans of the series/genre and even to newcomers, despite the high difficulty.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
