Been late to the party, but I couldn't miss this game.
The story is not only very emotional, but it's also one of the most well paced stories I've ever played.
The characters, especially the acting and the bond between the main characters is incredible, as well as the voice acting, facial expressions and the dialogue.
The gameplay is good in my opinion; it's quite fun, the shooting feels fine and the survival horror elements are done very well.
The graphics are still good; it's definitely one of the best looking games of the previous generation.
Also, the music is surprisingly good and the DLC was decent; it's not anything special but it's a nice addition.
Unfortunately though, the side-characters are not as interesting as the main characters.

+ Amazing storyline
+ Enjoyable gameplay
+ Memorable main characters
+ Nice visuals

- Inconsistent side-characters

Narrative: 9/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 7/10
Graphics/Audio: 7/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
The Last of Us is still a fantastic story-driven game and I can't wait for the sequel.

Do I recommend it?:
I don't consider it a must-play, but I definitely recommend it to fans of the genre.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
