If there's one thing that stuck with me from the first Xenoblade Chronicles game, it's the concept of the game's world; civilizations living on the back of Titans.
However, aside from the awesome concept, the first Xenoblade Chronicles game had an amazing story as well, albeit slow in the beginning.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2's story suffers from the same issue; slow pacing, but it's even slower in this game, and unfortunately, the story doesn't really make sense and it's not nearly as engaging as in the first game.
The characters are... alright; they're interesting, however, the excessive reliance on anime tropes and amateurish writing are cringe-enducing at times, the English voice acting is bad, the character designs are silly and the sexualization is very immersion-breaking and just weird.
The gameplay, while overwhelming at first and the tutorial spamming is frustrating, is enjoyable and it has a lot of depth and customization. I wish it did a better job at explaining itself and opened up sooner though.
Also, I really didn't like the randomly generated "gacha" system for unlocking Blades.
The music is absolutely fantastic though and the visuals are... okay for the most part, if you ignore some technical issues.
Last but not least, the concept in this game is wonderful and the world design is better than in the first game. Unfortunately though, the waypoint system and the field skills are so horrible, they bring down the entire experience at times.

+ Cool story ideas at times
+ Decent characters
+ Deep and fun gameplay
+ Incredible soundtrack
+ Exceptional world design

- Very slow pacing
- Off-putting tone and dialogue
- Weird character design & sexualization
- Annoying half-baked tutorials
- RNG gacha system
- Bad waypoint system and map mechanics

Narrative: 4/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Content: 9/10
Characters: 6/10
Music: 10/10
Art Style: 6/10

Final Rating: 6.5/10
- Pretty Good -
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a heavily flawed game but it's still a very decent JRPG, even if it can't hold a candle to the first Xenoblade Chronicles game.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes but only if you enjoy playing JRPGs.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
