I was a big fan of Ratchet & Clank on the PS2, so I picked this game up because of nostalgia, but... it REALLY wasn't what I expected; I mean... the graphics are very good and the character models look nice.
Also, the combat feels varied thanks to the great weapon variety and unique weapons, like in the older games in the series.
Unfortunately, however... I've already ran out of positive things to say about this game.
Ratchet & Clank disappointed me in many many ways.
First of all, the pacing is absolutely awful; the main story gets somewhat engaging only in it's last hour, the rest of the game is completely forgettable and nothing really happens.
The character development and interactions are non-existent, the rest of the game is an experience that doesn't have any depth and there's barely any content apart from the main story.
The movie cutscenes are implemented in the worst ways possible, making the pacing even worse than it already is.
The humor is surprisingly horrible for the most part, which I didn't expect at all.
Also, the mission design, the puzzles and Clank's sections are all extremely monotonous, repetitive and boring, which negatively affect the gameplay loop of the game. As for the gameplay itself, you can finish the entire game just by holding down the attack button to kill the waves, and the aiming feels very stiff for some reason.

+ Beautiful visuals
+ Varied combat system
+ Impressive weapon variety

- Major pacing issues
- Completely unmemorable main questline
- Absent character development and interactions, and unfunny humor
- Lacks depth and content
- Movie cutscenes
- Dull gameplay loop

Narrative: 1/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Content: 2/10
Characters: ?/10
Music: ?/10
Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 3/10
- Bad -
Ratchet & Clank is a very underwhelming game in my opinion and it disappointed me immensely because I loved playing Ratchet & Clank on the PS2, so I expected this game to be at least half as good as the older games.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes... but only for children.

Reviewed on Feb 16, 2024
