The characters, especially both Luke and Layton himself are such charming characters, I love how Layton is always one step ahead of everybody and is a master of solving shit yet he’s actual profession is an archaeologist, and St. Mystere is such charming little town with pretty charming characters, though I would say that’s kinda it, you don’t really get to know the villagers that much (for extremely weird yet logical reasons)
I definitely got stuck on a lot of puzzles, and sometimes I don’t want to solve any puzzles because what really intrigued me about the game is the story, probably the second best thing about this game.
That plot twist and ending was really really well built-up and amazing.
Overall, even though solving individual puzzles in order to progress the story is not really my thing, there is still enough in Professor Layton and the Curious Village to make me want to see more, and creates a cosy and relaxing atmosphere on top of it: Good Job Level 5!

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
