it's so unbelievably funny that the game fromsoftware would make for the american xbox to be published by the american megacorporation microsoft was a power fantasy filled with unfeasible amounts of american stereotyping. the excessive craving for hollywood heroism, the cultic obsession with freedom, and the unapologetic use of violence to get what one wants, alongside some other idiosyncracies like the freedom of the press and glorification of the military, metal wolf chaos is like a game trying to appeal to americans from an outsider perspective. and as an american it works because it makes for such a ridiculously funny game. pair that with the terrible voice acting and batshit insane plot, the hyper-american reality of this game's world becomes beyond entertaining. blowing shit up because "im the president of the great united states of america," stomping on tiny army men and rescuing hostages because you "believe in your own justice," saving the country from richard hawk's tyranny because i want him to "suck on my missile punch." the absurdity of its combat scenarios and the stupidity of its dialogue are so good, im probably gonna be quoting this game for a while now and my friends are gonna think my mind's deteriorated more than it has. and that soundtrack? jesus christ. kota hoshino, but also shohei tsuchiya, are fucking insane. the music is so good, ranging from hip-hop anthems to sporadic jazz to inspiring rock music, the ost takes a trip through the musical history of america while providing banger after banger. desperately need to play evergrace more than ever now to hear that soundtrack.

metal wolf chaos is basically as what i see most people describe it as, a worse armored core game. but in the writing and jank of its combat, it's wholly a new experience. a road trip through american iconography. a figurative slice of americana that comes close to being as sweet as apple pie. a must play for anybody checking out fromsoft's older ludography, or anybody wanting to play a game that's "so bad that it's good."

god is made of steel, and his name is michael wilson.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
