That was definitely a game, I suppose. I've never been the biggest cover based shooting fan, and I'm glad we've mostly left it behind on the PS3/360 generation. Now, the first title of one of Playstation's signature franchises, which introduced everyone's favorite dickhead, Nathan Drake. It's kinda shit, to be honest. Time hasn't been that kind to it (Excluding the graphics though, I played the Remastered collection, and the game looked pretty good), and nowadays its just a very mediocre shooter, with weird difficulty spikes (I played on hard), bad vehicle sections, and a protagonist so fucking unlikable I was actually rooting for the villains, because they at least only monologued like once or twice the whole game, instead of vomiting stupid fucking quips. God I hate Nathan. The other supportive characters aren't much better. I liked Helena and Sully more than Nathan, if only because they were less annoying (seeing as they appear less than Drake) , although they seem to never have heard of character development, opting instead to be smug, sarcastic cunts and going all "ha ha murder funni". The plot in general is pretty garbo, Dickhead protagonist wants shiny thing, Dickhead Antagonist does too, commence 8 or 9 hours of absolutely mindless violence, and that's yer lot. A totally nothing adventure, where we received nothing, learned nothing, and achieved nothing besides murdering hundreds of people with no consequence or impact at all. Like Spec Ops: The Line with absolutely zero self-awareness.

Reviewed on May 23, 2020
