Finally an actual Lego DC game after 1 Batman entry, one semi crossover 1 and we made it here. Now question what do you think would be the plot of a Lego DC game something to do with darkside, something Simlair to a crisis event but no we get brainiac with a latern plot thrown in. One thing I’m glad is that some of the villains are playable in story mode like Joker, Lex luthor,cheetah, Solomon Grundy?,Killer croc? Glad they threw in the deep cuts of Firefly and Grundy in the story but I would’ve replaced croc with one of the female Batman villains. Speaking of deepcuts my god there is a lot of them like condiment king is here (I know he was in Lego Batman movie but still), Batcow, detective chimp, and Batmite gives out many of the quests. So far there has been a lot of praise so time to start bitching starting with the obvious the hub worlds. The worlds have only gotten bigger with time but for whatever reason there are only some small areas in this game and the lantern planets and that’s it. Oh yeah the lantern shit. For whatever reason they made the back half of the game just going to lantern plants which are really boring and they all do like the same thing except yellow because Senestro catches on and isn’t just sneaking in but more so trying to survive. The latern planets are literally so bland and boring they just put me asleep since they do next to nothing to stand out from one another. There is also the green lantern planet which is just empty with a shit ton of races. So in conclusion just play the 60’s Batman level and nothing else

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
