Look, like clearly many people on here and everywhere else, my opinion on Neil Druckmann both as a person and as a creative has changed over time; there's no denying that. However, I also cannot deny how much I love The Last of Us Part II, despite the moral baggage both inside and outside of its creation.

That said, while I don't necessarily agree with the top reviews here calling this remaster creatively bankrupt, I do totally get where they're coming from. For the equivalent of $10, I definitely felt I got my money's worth here though. I've always loved any and all behind-the-scenes looks at games, especially when Valve does it, and the addition of Dev Commentary for the cutscenes and the Lost Levels section for this remaster is a real treat. It would have been cool to get commentary on all the levels in the main game but I understand that's a big ask given its length. Still, what is given here is more than sufficient.

No Return is the highlight of the whole package, of course. I'm usually so-so on roguelikes, unless they have some neato gimmick to them, but honestly, Part II's gameplay is solid enough that it carries the whole thing. It's surprisingly involved too, and clearly not just something they shoved in there as an extra thing. There are tiers of challenges, several game types, and a pretty nifty unlock system that carries from run to run. You probably won't spend more time on it than the main game but it's a really cool thing to have regardless, and I wouldn't be surprised if they make it a standalone release separate from the rest of the remaster.

All of the PS5 controller's gimmicks (not meant derogatorily) do switch things up for another playthrough to make it feel unique, but I wouldn't say they enhance the overall experience or are totally essential, or anything. Then again, I've already played through this a few times so perhaps it’s a different case for first-timers.

All in all, the PS5 remaster of Part II is a great addition to a truly fantastic game. I can totally see it not being worth the price for some people but I suppose that depends on how much you're willing to spend on it and how long you're willing to wait for a sale otherwise. Still, if you already love this game, this is pretty essential.


Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024
