Fuck you I'm writing an essay.

Fates is the worst game I've ever played.

In retrospect, it's a miracle that the series managed to climb out of the hole it dug itself in. Thank god for Echoes and Three Houses for redirecting the series in a promising direction.

Imagine trying to piggyback off the success of an entry so much that you would strip anything and everything the series had into a moneygrubbing parasite with the sole intention of becoming what everybody wanted. More supports. More characters. More shipping.

That's what people loved about the series.
That's what it became.

If the series continued in this direction I honestly think it would have been better if it was never saved by Awakening in the first place. It strips any kind of heart that the previous games had to create something truly monstrous. Did anybody ever get encapsulated by the game's paper thin plot, or its tropey characters, or its completely inconsistent design and gameplay? Everything is so middle in the road it hurts, from the MyCastle to the moment-to-moment gameplay. I don't think I've ever had fun playing this game, I completed all three games only to realize that my experience with it was absolutely meaningless.

It's everything I've ever hated about video games. I cannot fathom how anybody could enjoy a game so devoid of heart and creativity. This game was destined to be a product, so much so that Corrin got into smash before the game even released worldwide. That's absolutely pathetic.

Where was it? Where was the passion? When does this game ever give me a reason why I should play it? A game devoid of any soul.

Fates is the worst game I've ever played.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2021
