With Tacoma, Fullbright proves that they aren't just a one hit wonder; they're very much capable of creating new, worthwhile experiences within the "Walking Sim" genre. And while I do think the story is less impactful than Gone Home, its still an entertaining journey and its themes are as timely as ever, especially with the recent events regarding Amazon workers. And maybe it's because I recently played the God Awful "Suicide of Rachel Foster", but I found Tacoma's more optimistic view to be a pleasant change of pace from similar games.

The voice acting is also fantastic and the recorded conversations were a solid mechanic to help ground the story a bit more (as opposed to having a series of disconnected audio logs). Lots of care was put into this world and while the station itself isn't the most visually interesting, the little touches of personality certainly are. The details displayed in each characters work environments are wonderfully crafted and in that regard, Fullbright continues to be some of the top dogs in world building and environmental storytelling.

That being said I did feel that it dragged a bit in the middle, and I thought that more could have been done to raise the tension. But despite those minor issues, I can say that this was a great experience that's an easy recommendation for those interested... Unless you have a weird hatred for gay people in space... then I would say don't play this... but also seek help you fucking goofy

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2021
