I'd heard so much about this game before jumping into it, and after getting through it, I can see why it's so beloved. It has it's faults, like the chapters are a bit uneven and there are some parts where the game just does not prep you for potentially game ending situations.

I thankfully did my research beforehand, so it wasn't too much of an issue, and most of those moments I could definitely attribute to the game just not wanting to hold your hand by design. And there are plenty of explanations about the ingame systems, so I can't complain about that too much.

The true star of this game really is the way it lets you create such unique builds for your characters. It sets itself up for so much flexibility. I feel that if I played again, I could go for such a different build and it would still work just as well.

The characters and plot that unfolds in this game is just stellar too. Full of grey morality, complex multilayered characters and a bittersweet ending that feels perfectly poignant.

There are some technical issues with this port that hold it back, such as the slowdown during visually impressive attacks. But these can be fixed with modding, if you care to do so.

The visuals are charming too, and the music has a great atmosphere to it.

I'll be thinking about this game for a long time to come, I think.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2022
