ALL non essential targets ought to have affected morality. There was no reason to set aside specific targets for that purpose as essentially nothing more a switch that you flip by shooting a missile at it. ("Kill these if you're doing the evil route, otherwise don't.") It's overly mechanical and offers no decision making like "oh that gun turret is annoying but if I kill it I become evil". The only tension comes from having to guess how many to kill if you're doing the neutral route, since you can't view your new morality in real time. You ought to have been able to.

But in general games with multiple story paths are always maidworky and age with comparatively less grace and are more laborious to revisit. Sometimes you want to be able to just pick up a game and experience it again and not have to get out a spreadsheet.

Anyway, good game. Great music.
hey buddy still alive yadda yadda

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2021
