Where does Level 5 get the money to keep making bad games. They must have some mafia connections or something. Jeanne has..

No job system.

A thematically meaningless three pronged elemental system tacked on for no reason whatsoever. (I thought of another one they could use: groan, eyeroll, snore.)

An absolute childish cringefest of a story.

Tutorial box piggybacking. ("Well seeing as we've already interrupted you to tell you about this thing integral to gameplay why not we seize this opportunity to tell you about, like, I unno five to eight other things right this moment and see how much of it you remember five minutes from now!! GAm DEzinE!!") sound of Level 5 employees high giving each other

Party members don't have their own individual turns, instead you and the AI take turns moving your entire team at once. Have fun selecting a unit and moving them a handful of spaces forward at the start of a battle before manually moving the cursor back to another unit and doing the same for them. Then do the same on the next turn, and the next turn, and the turn after that. Moving cursor back 'n forth simulator 2006.

Play Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, and ignore this.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2021
