Oh hell, it's actually good. The combat feels exceptionally snappy, and the sprite animation is above average for a 2D sprite based fighter. The characters themselves are pretty fun and I like that there are plenty of colors to unlock. I'd say that almost half the roster is tied for my favorite character.

The game has thing called "smart steer" wherein you can do a long combo simply by mashing weak attack. (A fighter that can be played as a beatemup, well I'll be damned!) The gameplay can seem a bit shallow but it's fun and makes for a unique experience. On default difficulty the AI can just be steamrolled. Turn up the difficulty however and the opponent is able to pull off seemingly neverending juggles and combos while you sit back and watch while your health bar deplete to zero. But there's a bit of strategy in trying not to get sucked into one of those and just finishing off the opponent first. A thinking man's beatemup.
乁( • ω •乁)

As with all fighters the game arbitrarily throws in a lot of fringe higher skill mechanics that are meant for god knows who. For instance there's a meter that I never use, each character has a signature attack that depletes some of it but never enough to prevent you from using said attack. Meaning that I'd actually be punished for deciding to utilize whatever is that meter's primary purpose. (I take delight in the irony.) I also have literally never used the X button in this game outside of any tutorials/challenges that required it. Don't know what it's for, don't care.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2022


I have no idea how you found this franchise without being a fighting game fan but glad you enjoyed it!

1 year ago

This game is awesome! Who was your fav char to play as?