It doesn't take long after starting this that it appears to be another Ys Seven. Lord give me the strength to push through another Ys game!! It was ages ago when I've played through the the ones on PSP and my energy toward completing games have vastly diminished as of late, especially average ones like these are.

My interest took a nosedive as early as the first boss. There is literally a tutorial box telling you how to play. Almost like those flowchart memes deconstructing a game's gameplay with the intent of making it seem more shallow than it appears at first glance. 1) Use charge attacks to fill up skills. 2) Use skills to fill up L button. 2) Use L button. Hell, why am I even playing in that case? Where exactly does the player fit into to all this, seeing as the game has it all figured out already. I'm merely along for the ride, I suppose- to make myself present only to be able digest the story as a reward for being able to follow directions.

Reviewed on Apr 30, 2023

1 Comment

It kinda sounds like you just didnt feel like playing this kind of game to start with.