To start off I’ll just say 🧎🏾‍♀️🥲🥺😖😫😭

But for real I enjoyed this game a lot; there’s definitely some flaws in this game when it comes to some gameplay mechanics and pacing sometimessss but overall I enjoyed my time with this.

I think my fav thing about this was the voice acting, it was actually CRAZY and Charlotte McBurney specifically deserved some awards and recognition for her performance as Amicia. The plot was pretty good too, it starts off good and gets a little weaker in the middle but it comes back pretty strong during the end.

Amicia and Hugo’s bond just makes the plot sooo much more emotionally charged and it really drives the story on so well. Ive also seen some ppl criticizes certain character actions but I feel like a lot of that stuff made sense when considering everything lol..

But yeah I would prob give this a 7/10

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
