The game gets so close to actually good ideas, chapter 3 has some actually vicerally upsetting material in it that genuenly got to me, but ironically it was when it wasn't related to the main plot about the major 3 characters in this story.

It has the subtly of a brick hitting a window, and while I wanted to commend the game at least handling such a sensitive topic well, It doesn't even do that. The ending is one of the most accidentally hysterical things I've ever witnessed. What hurts the most is there is a actually really good story somewhere in here, just they told it poorly.

This is to say it's the best modern silent hill has to offer, 2 remake is looking worse the more we get to see and what even was Ascension supposed to be? If this is foreshadowing for SH:F then I'm more worried than I was before and just generally its even harder now than ever to have hope for this franchise.

I almost miss the days of Downpour and Homecoming, and thats actually a scary thought.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2024
