It's good but I don't really get it.

Like, mechanically, everything is so fantastic, yet it feels like the game opposes its own design? You can slide, roll, dash, go slow-mo after jumping over cover, clearly, motivating players to not use cover and rush into a fight like a badass. Yet, there are times when the best way or the only way to take down enemies is through turret sections?? It's like Vanquish wanted to break the conventions of what a third-person shooter at the time should be (Gears of War clones) yet it still adheres to these standards in its levels, enemy design, and overall narrative. It's strange. I found myself getting bored at times, or just uninterested in the combat, while other times I was really feeling it. At times, it felt like Platinum Games was trying too hard to be cool, which they never do! Sam feels like an MGR Raiden-Light although clearly being written beforehand. Some of the setpieces were jaw-dropping in concept, while others were very mundane. I feel like I can say this about a lot of the different aspects of the game. It's hit or miss. Still fun when its hits, but boring when it doesn't. Also, screw Act 5 Mission 2's ridiculous difficulty spike

Hit or Miss/10

Reviewed on Feb 20, 2023
