5★ - I love the game.

I honestly can't help but love Final Fantasy 1. It was my second ever Final Fantasy game and I grew up searching for that class upgrade mentioned in the GBA manual.

So when I finally got around to playing the Pixel Remaster version it was a fun surprise to me how much I remembered in terms of progression and was able to break the intended structure of the game. Was also surprised to find how short the game was being able to finish in 13 hours. But that leaves me wanting to come back for extra playthroughs or challenge runs.

The Pixel Remaster is definitely easy though. Because I had put the exp gains to 0.5x and was still able to steamroll most of the enemies except for Warmech and the final boss. If you want an easy platinum this game is it considering I did everything the game had to offer in those 13 hours.

This game is simple but great for its sandbox freedom. Highly recommend it for those who want a short and sweet game or those who want to see how the series started.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
