A soundtrack which has the potential to be incredibly top tier, and has a ton of really cool moments I absolutely love, but feels absolutely held back from being one of my favorite Sonic soundtracks by some pretty sloppy moments. The two biggest offenders to this for me is the instrumentation done for the Classic Sonic songs, and that lead synth they use in a ton of Modern Sonic songs. Classic's music is incredibly annoying to me, because melody wise, I honestly really enjoy it a ton. Songs like Ghost Town I feel have incredibly strong and cool sounding melodies, but because of how poor the instrumentation sounds for these songs, it just kinda kills this whole section of the soundtrack for me, which is a massive blow.

The synth for me is, odd. I can tolerate it for the most part, and in some songs I think it sounds totally fine, but there's a good handful of songs which use this synth that I just feel like would've sounded better either using a guitar, or some other sort of instrument and the synth kinda gets in the way of my enjoyment. It doesn't get as bad as the Classic Sonic songs get, but it still remains somewhat of an annoyance in the back of my head, as I imagine in my head what these songs would've sounded like if this synth was just a guitar. The biggest highlight to me for this soundtrack is the avatar though, these songs have such fucking pretty sounding instrumentation, and the vocal work done for their tracks I find to be incredibly amazing sounding. If the rest of this soundtrack was as good as these tracks, then this would absolutely be much higher, but because of these problems which I feel could've been ironed out if given more time to cook, and were better thought out, the game is sadly prevented from becoming one of my top favorite Sonic soundtracks sadly.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
