I've only played this game once, so my thoughts on it aren't super refined, but having played this game last of the Mario & Luigi games, it's surprisingly good for a first outing. The game somehow manages to avoid the dreaded first game syndrome in a lot of ways (that aren't because of the remake, I'm pretty sure) and the Beanbean Kingdom is a nice locale that I kinda wish we'd see more of, but also appreciate them not overusing. The soundtrack's unfortunately not as good here as in the original Superstar Saga, but I think most of the remixed tracks are at least acceptable. (They completely butchered the final boss theme, though.) Bowser's Minions is pretty awful as a side-mode, but I'm willing to judge the game more for its main adventure than for the mode that was evidently such an afterthought that they just slapped it onto the end of the title.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2021
