My thoughts on FFV as a game can be found in my review of FFV Advance, and as this is largely the same game, I'll just offer my thoughts here on the changes in the Pixel Remaster.

The Pixel Remaster looks great and the redone soundtrack is also, generally, very well done. I do wish they had used the HD sprites from the now defunct mobile/Steam version (the only good thing to come from that version visually), but the original sprites do still have a lot of charm and work fine, and the redrawn character sprites are much closer to the original sprites rather than the abominations from the older mobile/Steam version.

On the other hand, it lacks the optional bonus dungeon and jobs of the GBA version. The choice of which is better, at least for a casual playthrough, largely comes down to how much this really bothers you.

The PR version also offers a few QoL improvements, like easily accessible maps and auto-battle, similar to the other Pixel Remasters. These are nice, but I don't think they make or break your choice.

Overall, I think this is a fine first place to play FFV, a game that if you enjoy job systems in RPGs you absolutely should play. I run the Four Job Fiesta and for that, due to various balance changes and bugfixes, I may actually prefer GBA, but honestly, this version is still absolutely fine and I'm glad I tried it.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2022


1 year ago

"I run the Four Job Fiesta"


1 year ago

Gilgabot stole it, now I have to hold down Shift, like an animal.