There are no words to describe how impactful this game is for so many people, including myself. There is not and will never be a better MMORPG and I'm not even exaggerating, this is how good and how high Blizzard got, this is what ever single MMO tried to be before and after WotLK came out, the cream of the crop, but you know, "the higher they get the harder they fall", and they fell hard. HARD. And they never stopped falling, because they were that high. They turned from one of the best gaming companies in the world to... part of Microsoft Teams. Sad stuff.

The thing is, you can't critique this game in a vacuum in 2022. To truly experience this game you would have to teleport back to 2008 and play it live, it was a cultural phenomenon at the time. You will have fun and enjoy it if you find some private server with 100+ people playing but it wouldn't be even close to the real experience. If you were there you would understand how amazing this game was, if you weren't you just won't. And yes I'm gatekeeping, and no I don't care. That's the thing with most MMOs, you need play it live or make a very deep analysis of it to truly understand it.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2022
