Finally got around to finish this game, and the best way I found was playing on my smartphone, cause I tried a PC emulator once and never finished it.
It's a game to play when you're bored, so the smartphone port is the best choice, even though I thought the buttons to be too small and sometimes they didn't respond.
It's a pretty cool game overall, but the story is shallow and there's not much to do besides getting lost through the castle and occasionally finding a secret place.
The menu is a mess, there was so many weapons and shields and stuff I couldn't get rid of. It would be so easy if you could just sell it to the librarian. I didn't see any advantage of becoming a wolf and there's no indication of how to use spells. I died a lot, but the game is actually super easy. Soundtrack is insanely badass. Will probably play it again someday.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
