This was my first platinum trophy back in 2017.
I've heard many people hating on this game and i don't get why, its a good game with a theme that's rarely used, so the more unique the better.
Far Cry Primal is set in 10.000BC, around the Carpathian Mountains which is a nice touch for me as a Romanian. There's not many games based on prehistoric times, and i liked it a lot, it was refreshing to see and play.
I think Ubisoft did the most that could've been done with the story, im glad that they used a fictional language called "Wenja" and that the game wasn't in english.
The gameplay was fun, everything was primitive and even tho it was still a Far Cry at base, it was done in a way that it didn't feel like it was just another Far Cry, this time it felt different.
Taming beasts, having them as your pets and then riding them was very nice (sabertooths, mammoths, bears).
Exploring the map was engaging and the sorroundings were beautiful.
All in all, I think this is an underrated game and its a cool experience.

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2024
