'Warriors: Legends of Troy' feels like a distinguished departure from the typical musou formula that someone might expect. Unlike the endless enemy waves of Dynasty Warriors, this title brings a refreshing focus on one of history's most riveting tales: the Trojan War. For those with a penchant for ancient epics, this game offers a chance to step into the sandals of legendary figures such as Achilles, Odysseus, Penthesilea, Paris (and a few others) and to experience their storied exploits firsthand.

One of the most striking features of Warriors: Legends of Troy is its art style, especially some cutscenes which draws heavy inspiration from Ancient Greek amphoras. This artistic choice lends the game an authentic feel that transports you directly into the heart of Greece.
The world design, even if it wasn't overly detailed, managed to craft a compelling backdrop that convincingly conjures the ancient cities and battlefields of Greece. Every arena feels like a step back into a world ruled by gods and heroes.

The character designs in Legends of Troy are a highlight, and they are gorgeous looking.
Each figure is rendered in a way that both honors their mythological roots and brings them vividly to life.
Achilles is portrayed with the fierce intensity befitting a legendary warrior, while Odysseus' cunning and strategic acumen are subtly woven into his demeanor and expressions.
The inclusion of lesser-celebrated characters like Penthesilea or Patroklos adds a layer of depth and diversity to the cast, enriching the experience and connection to the story.
The more characters, the better in this kind of setting.

Koei has tweaked the usual gameplay dynamics seen in their other titles, making button-mashing a less viable strategy. This change necessitates a more tactical approach to combat, especially during the thrilling boss fights that punctuate the storyline. The introduction of a strategic upgrade system, where you manage limited space slots for various items and enhancements, adds a layer of tactical depth that extends beyond the in-game battlefield.

The narrative delivery in Warriors: Legends of Troy is compelling, facilitated by well-executed cutscenes that captures the triumphs and tragedies of the Trojan War epic. The voice acting deserves a special mention for its quality and for how effectively it conveys the powerful emotions of the characters involved. This, combined with a soundtrack that resonates with the themes of ancient Greece, creates a full mythological experience.

Despite its unique offerings and the robust execution of both its aesthetic and gameplay elements, this game feels like an underrated gem. It’s a title that deserves far more attention, I've barely seen anyone talk about this game, possibly because its overshadowed by the other more mainstream games in the Musou genre.
Warriors: Legends of Troy is a commendable effort by Koei to step outside its comfort zone and venture into the rich, tumultuous era of Greek mythology. The game not only succeeds in delivering a memorable experience but also enriches the musou genre with its unique blend of strategic combat, beautiful style, and a decently engaging narrative. For anyone that's fascinated by ancient history, this title is a must-play.

Reviewed on May 27, 2024
