Turnbased RPG where you play a group of tabletop gamers playing through a DND style campaign.

Gameplay consists of a simple turnbased system, most characters have an attack, block and a number of spells and items they can use. Personally found the system to be super basic with little depth, it serves it's purpose but seeing as almost all the time you spend in the game is in it's combat system it would have been nice if there was more synergy to be had between characters or even within characters themselves.

The story is a mix of a standard DND campaign, and meta and pop culture references. I found the story to be entertaining enough to get through the relatively boring combat system, however I found myself somewhat unsatisfied when all was said and done.

The graphics are relatively nice and the pixel art style with all the little cute characters and references left almost all areas being somewhat unique and always nice to look at.

The games soundtrack became a little grating after I played for so long, however I played the game in relatively long sittings so that may be on me.

Overall if you can pick the game up for a few bucks on sale it's a fun little RPG that will keep you entertained for a little while, it doesn't have the best story or the deepest combat system but it does have a lot of charm.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2023
