The gameplay feels very good, and is very exciting. The look, semi-realism mixed with the anime/"art noveau" style and a pseudo modern setting were very nice to me. I don't care much for swords and sorcery, and their normal blend of far-flung scifi and fantasy typically doesn't scratch the itch exactly the right way, but this one hit the nail on the head. it also had a lot of fun segments between the characters, although all of the plot was a bit weak, and railroaded at the end pretty hard. Gameplay was definitely the winner, which isn't usually the MO of final fantasy, but to me it was welcome. I've since gone back and played other FF games, and I would kill to have this one's game mixed with their stories. The DLCs were decent, prompto's felt a little odd, and I don't believe I finished the final on. The Gladiolus one was interesting, if a bit straightforward, but felt the most aptly connected to the game.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
