After doing all of the major possible endings you can get, every achievement, and countless hours in rumble mode I think I can finally put this one down for a few until another inevitable replay happens in the very close future.
Fading Afternoon somehow managed to capture both Friends of Ringo Ishikawa, and Arrest of a Stone Buddha’s best quality’s, build upon them, and create a completely different structure while still sharing aspects of both’s atmosphere. It’s hard to say what the best part about this game is honestly. The plethora of varied and incredibly detailed backgrounds sprawled across a vast explorable area by Artem Belov made it next to impossible to get sick of the scenery no matter how many replays I did. The insanely vast and unique character sprites & animation made by Ueda M brought the area even more to life. I love every single battle, idle, weather, and interactive animation you can do or see in this game. There is so many it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a couple players might never see in their playthroughs. Don’t think I’ve ever played a game that had such polished replay 4 of them isn’t anywhere close to being able to find all the secrets and possibilities naturally. There’s been a hefty amount of updates between bug fixes, content, and qol since launch and I’m very thankful for how involved yeo is in the community despite working on this game for 3 years. Incredible experience and if you enjoy beat ‘em ups, insanely immersive gameplay, deep and engaging mechanics, relaxing and atmospheric music, and incredible art you gotta at least give fading afternoon a chance, because if it clicks you’re in for a hell of an experience.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023


8 months ago

saw the game and remembered you liked the other ones a lot so was waiting for the zodatake. defs will check all these games out eventually tbh

8 months ago

@SugoiBoi yeah they’re all great but this latest release really blew me away. Hope u enjoy them when you get to em.