Bon Voyage!

For being a fan of this franchise for fucking years and finally seeing Kiryu story finally finally being concluded puts me in so much ease and satisfaction, 5-Gaiden have made me burst like a baby but with the ending of Infinite Wealth I kept my composure and it’s was perfect in my eyes how they ended this character that has been in writing for almost 20 years, and it’s amazing to see they have come to acknowledge all those years of this character within and it’s beautiful to see the Dragon i’ve been following for so long finally rest. Now I can’t wait to continue seeing how the goofy Hero with a pure heart of gold moves forward with the future of yakuza if they plan on it but hey i would fine with the franchise ending here.

Ichiban is just even more perfect than he was before I love him so much him and Kiryu, both of them were tied for my favorite character and that game might have changed that, He is always the type of character i adore and he moves me like nothing else I love what he represents and I love that Kiryu has been influenced by Ichiban and realized he doesn’t have to suffer alone during the game.

This game was everything i hoped it to be, I loved the story, the amount of side content to do was just so much fun that i spent a good 3 days on Dondoko Island and Sujimon content alone, and the party interactions always put a smile on my face, and the new cast of characters are pretty cool. This the most fun I had with a game in so long I had a grin reaching up to my ears every time I got onto the game and after finishing it i already want to replay it all which i plan onto soon alongside doing the big swell content as it looks so fun.

As for the story I won’t be talking about anything indirectly just how I felt with it, and It had a beautiful story to me at least but it is little bit messy, the pacing of the game was a bit off after Kiryu began to have his own parts I felt that Ichibans parts fell off a bit but is still great and some story elements and characters are lacking in some areas but this game is still amazing and is definitely one of the best stories and a personal favorite out of all the games in the franchise and hell out of every game i’ve played despite some of these little problems I have, regardless this is one of RGGs important stories and game as a whole and I can’t wait to see how they go on with the franchise and other games after this one .

Onto some characters that aren’t Ichiban and Kiryu, Absolutely loved Yamai, Chitose, and Tomizawa and are some great additions to the franchise i pray we get to see them again , I also appreciated characters like Akane, Ebina, Eiji, and even Wong (cus i thought he was a chill dude) but i wish were expanded on a tad bit more during the game. Seonhee despite not being a new character I just love her and she’s pretty silly and i liked her in 7 and now love her in this game def a favorite, a character I was hoping they were going to use a bit more was Sawashiro as I loved him in 7 but that didn’t seem to be the case but who knows maybe they would work on him more in the next one. The previous party I already adore I have nothing to say about them as I love them all and seeing more from them through the main story, the bingo, table talks, and the overworld conversation is always a pleasure and i’ll forever love all of them and they are solidified as my favorite rpg party ever including the newcomers.

The soundtrack for this game is just absolutely amazing and i’ve been listening to it a lot recently even when i was playing the game I would go back to tracks and just enjoy them especially the karaoke tracks. And the ending song man oh my god been listening to the whole time

This game is about the past, the future, and how to live. As that is what both Ichiban and Kiryu are fighting for (at least that’s how i see it). The positives outweigh the minor negatives so much in Infinite Wealth and RGG sticked with what they wanted the core of this game to be and made an absolutely incredible game. This game was one hell of an experience and everything in this game reminds me why this is my favorite franchise ever and why it’s every inch of it is so special to me and this game is special, this series has always inspired me to keep moving forward and gives me hope especially after playing this game. Nothing will ever top this franchise for me. Thank you Kiryu Kazuma, Thank You Ichiban Kasuga, Thank You RGG Studios

"That means you can make amends. Without a doubt"

"All of us, we have to keep going"

" I’ll tell you why, value inheres in life, See there, your riches overflow "

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024


4 months ago

Real shit

3 months ago
