Apex Legends Seasons (not ranked?)

honestly more of a collection of my thoughts about the game than a proper ranking, since I didn't even decide what criteria I was ranking based on

Breakout's major system changes + Wingman is ground loot = best season.

I've been playing ranked, silver 1 so far I think? Plenty of grinding left, we'll see if I play enough to get back to plat this season.

I would like to see controller aim assist nerfed on PC, but otherwise I think the game is in a really good spot (this goes for every season but I think it's gotten more noticeable as the game has aged).
Breakout made a lot of changes and I think I like all of them. The Evo shield changes are a significant improvement to an already excellent system. Crafting being simplified is probably controversial, but the old system could really mess with the pacing of the game and the new system feels much more seamless. Getting to choose a passive ability each time your shield upgrades is a fun way to make characters feel even more unique.
Ash rules, I love her ult and she just feels great to play. Storm Point is a really good map for ranked, too big for unranked though. I finished the battlepass but the rewards on this one were pretty bad.

Wattson got huge buffs and quality of life improvements this season, no wonder I liked it so much.
I played so much this season, it was the first battlepass I finished. Arenas were pretty fun for a while, the Bocek is such a fun and goofy weapon, and Valkyrie is fun & cute.

Also Erika Ishii <3 <3 <3
Rampart my beloved <3

She has the same VA as Symmetra from Overwatch who I also love, thank you Anjali Bhimani for two awesome characters :D

Also cwafting added pog!
Loba is awesome, and this season was the first time I got super into the game. Played enough to get the battlepass to level 77, which was twice as much as I'd played each of the two previous seasons. Also actually played enough ranked to get to gold for the first time.
Horizon is so fun, though her gravity lift was way too strong initially. Olympus is a fun map, even if this original version was a bit worse than the later ones.

No longer needing to boot up EA's shitty Origin launcher was a nice change too.
Evo Shields were probably the most impactful post-release addition in the whole game. Sentinel is my favorite sniper.

Also, I always forget sniper as an ammo class was added in this patch, wild.
Wattson is my favorite character in Apex. Her fences and generator are so impactful and satisfying to use, and her puns are adorable. L-Star has never been a favorite gun of mine, but it's okay.
I really like Mad Maggie, and the Olympus changes were good. Seasons 12 & 13 I got the battlepass to the same level (78) before quiting, which is funny.
30-30 is such a fun gun and Fuse is a goofball.
I played a ton of this season (finished battlepass and got to platinum rank for the first time) and had a lot of fun, but I still can't put it higher because Seer was broken in the least fun possible way. The Rampage is fine but I've never loved it. Boosted loader is the most baffling attachment in the game (feels pointless and clunky).

I liked the World's Edge changes, very fun new POIs.
World's Edge is a great map, but not much else of note here.
Octane is one of the best-designed characters in the game.
standing in for "Season 0"

Back when everyone was a noob, pure chaos. Very fun start to a great game.
Cat my queen I'm so sorry but I think I only booted up Apex once this entire season.

+ points for the first transfem character in the game :3
Newcastle is cool, but I was burnt out on the game this season. I honestly don't remember that much about it despite getting the battlepass to level 78.
Barely played this season. Vantage is neat, I guess.
This is the only season I don't have the level 1 badge for, so I guess I never opened the game at all. Conduit is cute and very fun to play though.
I have the level 1 battlepass badge for these last three but I definitely didn't play more than a couple matches for any of them.
Revenant redesign kinda ugly.
Who the fuck is this guy.


20 days ago

yo wtf? there's been 22 Apex seasons? I'm getting old

20 days ago

@NatsumeAi how was 2019 already 5 years ago...

20 days ago

Damn where did the time go

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