Overwatch was the first game I ever played for over a thousand hours. I started out as a silver D.Va main, then when I got more into ranked I usually filled in as Reinhardt (there were only a few dedicated main tank players in the whole playerbase). When role queue was introduced I finally got to play DPS more than once in a blue moon, and I think I got all roles to plat in the first season of role queue. The first time I hit plat was actually in the role queue PTR (playing exclusively Zarya). I eventually plateaued in low diamond on tank (Rein, D.Va, Zarya) and support (Lucio, Ana, Zenyatta) and mid plat on DPS (Cassidy, Ashe, Pharah). The beginning of the end for me was Sigma's release, double shield completely killed the pace of the game and I had less and less fun every season after that until I dropped the game in 2021. I miss the game Overwatch used to be, but I have to roll my eyes when people blame Overwatch 2 as the sole reason the game declined. The final years of the original Overwatch were a continuous string of terrible balancing and design decisions, and not all of that can be blamed on OW2 development.

Blizzard is a horrible company and the Overwatch team is incompetent when it comes to balancing, but when I look back at the time I spent with this game I'll always remember more of the good than the bad.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024
