Why must the longest Resi, of all things, be the absolute worst? The game has a relatively short storyline, but it is told from four different perspectives. Each perspective has its own way, but there was rarely anything to see of the Surivival Horror in general. In retrospect I must admit that I didn't find Resi 5 that bad in comparison.

I'll evaluate the individual storylines individually, which will lead to an average overall rating.

Leon's campaign is the closest thing we have to a Resident Evil as we once knew it. The beginning was atmospherically very strong in places. However it mutates at most from halfway more and more to a shooter. Nevertheless the beginnings were there. But the whole last chapter was just a long, tiring end boss, which was strongly stretched out. Somewhere it wasn't: "Wow, this new form is really cool now" anymore, but rather, "Oh God, are you really still not dead?!
2.5 stars

This is where the assfuck begins. This has nothing to do with gaming, fun or even skills. The zombies have weapons again now (I never liked that before) and it's just wild shooting. Shooting back or any kind of strategic action is useless. The only thing that helps is to run blindly and hope. That were very long 6 hours.
0,5 stars

I got to admit, I like Jake. He's the only one with a minimal character shift. He's the typical badass who's softened up by a woman's heart. But can still literally hit you hard. He moves somewhere between Leon and Chris, with some pretty interesting sneaky passages. Ah yes and then there is Nemesis 2.
2 Stars

Ada is also a really well done character, and there's some enlightenment coming into the story. The puzzle passages were partly fun, but felt out of place in this game. Nevertheless I could enjoy this campaign to a certain extent.
2 stars

The control system has now arrived in the modern age and the camera also performs well. The close combat works relatively well (unless the enemy is on the ground). The graphics are nice and also the soundtrack fits well.

So what is wrong with this game?
Very simple: It is called Resident Evil. And it is not Resident Evil. Much more I have the feeling that all kinds of different games have been tried to be copied (Metal Gear, Call Of Duty, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry etc.) and really none of them were implemented in a good way. So it's nothing, although it wants to be everything.

I do not like this game.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2020
